The College Center, Inc.

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Tom Hayden has worked with college bound students and their families for over thirty years. For two decades he was the College Counselor at Phillips Exeter Academy where he guided 4500 students to America’s top colleges and universities over the course of his career. While at Exeter he published The Insider’s Guide to College Admissions [Petersons, N.J. 1999]. The book is now in its fifth edition. 

Hayden has visited over 100 of America’s best known colleges and universities and developed a network of contacts in the admissions and financial aid fields. 

Hayden spent a sabbatical year as a special assistant to the Dean of

Admissions of Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges with responsibilites for applicationsfrom the Midwest region and for International students.

Intrigued by the college side of the admissions process, Hayden then moved to Oberlin College as Vice President for Admissions, Financial Aid and Research.  There he familiarized himself with the various techniques colleges employ to attract, recruit, admit, and retain students. 

At Oberlin and through his subsequent consulting, Hayden gained further knowledge of the college admissions market and how it is driven by two factors: market research and the internal agendas of colleges and universities. Hayden's broad perspective helps parents and students understand and navigate the college admissions process.

At Oberlin, Hayden took a particular interest in international students and traveled widely to contact them.

In addition to running College Center,  Hayden regularly consults with schools and colleges on marketing issues. In addition to developing strategies, he has advised them on designing marketing materials, such as view books, videos, compact disc, and web sies.