Every family has its own history and pattern for making decisions. College Center respects that and offers guidance to families facing the complexities of the college search and admission proess; as well as the need for the student to express his or her independence without incurring undue risk.
Helping your teenager plan for college is a delicate balancing act. Up to this point, every major decision about educating your child has been made by you, the parent. But now, your teenager and you must make a decision that can influence their entire adult life. For many teenagers, this is the biggest decision they have ever made.
You have a choice of roles:
The College Center is dedicated to assisting you guide the process by providing expert advise; and managing the "to-dos" with your teenager. We help your child put his or her best foot forward!
Financial Aid Sources.
College Center can provide initial financial aid advice to parents and students. Understanding the financial aid system, developing a calendar for filing the requisite forms, thinking ahead toward financing the four year experience, providing expertise to respond to complex questions that particular families might have: all are these are services of the Center.
Using Influence.
Some families have special relationships to the colleges or universities to which their sons and daughters apply. They may be alumni/ae of the school, know Board members, are friendly with prominent alums and donors, or are connected in some way to the artistic, athletic, or extracurricular areas in which their child will make a special contribution. Handling these connections takes tact and skill. It is all too easy to create an awkward bubble in the admissions pipeline and impede your child’s chances of admission. College Center can offer time-tested advice for merging influence into the admissions process, smoothly and effectively.
Waiting List Strategies.
In recent years the explosion in the numbers of college applications has far exceeded the actual number of students applying, and the colleges have sought to hedge their bets [acceptances] by placing a large percentage of their admissible applicants on waiting lists. When this occurs, students and families need prompt and skillful advice on how to campaign for an admissions spot. An appeal letter needs to be written, transcripts gathered, recommendations presented, and perhaps other influence brought to bear. College Center can help students orchestrate their Waiting List plan, with vigor, and often with success.
Making the Most of the Freshman Year.
All too often high school students who have been used to a structured environment of classes, activities, sports, and sometimes study halls, experience difficulty in dealing with the open environment of college life. They need advice in building a structure for their lives, so that they can extract the maximum from their college experience. College Center has much to offer about the freshman year experience, from dealing with roommates, to avoiding the pitfalls of alcohol and drugs. A short session and reading a brief pamphlet can help your student make a smooth and productive transition to freedom of college life.
On Helping Your Teen